Lindy Hop Saarbrücken
Online Class
Season 2
Follower im Swing
Suspended dance class
We want to enable all Swing dance enthusiasts to take part in our online classes, regardless of the size of their budget. This was already the credo of Swing Dance back in the 1930s: to have fun together irrespective of ethnic origin, skin colour, occupation and social background. But because we know some of you can’t afford to pay the full registration fee, we’re introducing the so-called “suspended dance class”, an idea borrowed from the concept of “suspended coffee”:
This is how it works:
This is how it works:
- You’ve got a couple of euros to spare and would like to help other dancers? Cool! Just send us an email or indicate in the prepared box in the registration form how much extra you are prepared to pay. Every euro helps. We’ll collect the individual amounts and enable others to take part.
- If you would like to participate in one or more of the classes, but your budget won’t stretch far enough, simply drop us an email or write us the amount you need as discount in the prepared box in the registration form. We’ll contact you to discuss in detail how we can help.
Let´s support our house band The Gramophoniacs!
Our house band The Gramophoniacs is currently having a hard time. Most of them are mainly musicians and now are having problems getting enough income.
So if you want to donate a small amount to them it would really help them.
Please use the field below in the registration form!
So if you want to donate a small amount to them it would really help them.
Please use the field below in the registration form!
If you´re financially affected by the current situation, please leave a comment in the comment box. We´ re happy to make a special price for you!